Viktor Bergehall
I am a freelance developer based in Stockholm, Sweden. My expertise lies within Javascript in general and React.js in particular. I have a background working mostly with frontend development, but also with backend development using Node.js. With over 10 years of working at digital agencies combined with an education ranging from graphic/interaction design to programming I have gained a wide experience in the software development process.
Work experience
Freelance Developer
2011, 2019 – , Viktor Bergehall ABMy latest contract was at Schibsted/Aftonbladet. My role was mainly to work closely with journalists and implement rich experiences, such as data visualizations and complex interfaces, for feature/long-read articles, but also work with the underlying platforms and APIs that serve the Schibsted newspapers.
Senior Interface Developer
2016 – 2019, CreunaMy role was lead interface developer, which besides coding included architectural responsibilities, communicating with clients, mentoring colleagues, interviewing candidates, etc. I worked with clients such as Assa Abloy, Bokus, and White Architects.
2013 – 2016, FuturnitureMy role was mainly to develop websites using WordPress, HTML, CSS, and JS. I worked with clients such as IKEA and the Modern Art Museum in Stockholm.
Interface Developer
2012 – 2013, KramgoMy role was to develop websites using WordPress, HTML, CSS, and JS. I mainly worked with an e-commerce site for Weekday.
Bachelor of Science
2010 – 2013, Stockholm UniversityDegree in computer science with a focus on interaction design. The curriculum consisted of most parts of the process of how to build software. From sketching out ideas to implementing them.
Web Development
2009 – 2010, Mid Sweden UniverityIntroduction program for general web development. The curriculum consisted of frontend development with HTML, CSS, JS, and backend development using PHP.
Graphic Design
2008 – 2009, Mid Sweden UniverityIntroduction program for print-based graphic design. The curriculum consisted of typography, layout, image manipulation, etc.
You can reach me at hello[at] or via LinkedIn.